There are some that are automatically generated by the service and others that must be reported at the time of making the copy request, either in the integration mode or through the EACAT web application:

metadata Description Responsible (integration modality
Manager (web application modality EACAT)
matter brief summary on the topic/subject of the document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Author identification data of the author of the document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Created by It is recommended to name the application or service that makes use of the component by CÒPIA. Must be informed when making the request (optional) It is generated by the CÒPIA service. By default it includes the following value: Service CÒPIA of the AOC Consortium
support Physical support of the copy Must be informed when making the request (optional). If not informed by default, "Electronic" is proposed It is generated by the CÒPIA service. By default it includes the following value: Electronic
Access level It serves to indicate the access regime to the document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Document type Document type of the document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
CSV generation definition Reference to the order, resolution or document that defines the creation of the corresponding CSV Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
User User who is using the module to generate the copy Must be informed when making the request (required) It is generated by the CÒPIA service. The first and last name of the EACAT user making the copy is taken
Name of the file Free text giving the name of the generated copy file Must be informed when making the request (optional) It is generated by the CÒPIA service. Takes the title of the document and includes the document extension
Capture date Date the document is uploaded to the true copy module It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
Hash of the document Hash value of the generated authentic copy It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
size Size in bytes of the generated copy It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
resolution Specifies the digitizing resolution in DPI. It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
compression Specifies the JPEG quality level to which scanned images will be converted to reduce document weight. It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service. The value included is 0.7
color Specifies the color scheme to use for digitization (black and white, grayscale, 16-bit color, etc...). It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service. The value included is 24-bit RGB
ladder % reduction applied to the document It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service. The value included is 80%
csv generation date Date of generation of the secure verification code It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
format Normalized content type of the resulting document It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
Signature type Type of signature associated with the copy if it is signed. By default the value is PAdES It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service. The reported value is PAdES
Name of the entity Name of the entity that generates the copy It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service, taking the name of the entity from EACAT
organ Name of the body that generates the copy Must be informed when making the request (required) Must be informed when making the copy (required)
title Title or name of the copy Must be informed when making the request (required) Must be informed when making the copy (required)
Origin of the document Indicates whether the content of the source document was created by the citizen or by an Administration Must be informed when making the request (required) Must be informed when making the copy (required)
Secure verification code Secure verification code associated with the document and its generation date Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Document download URL URL where the user can consult the document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Preparation status Indicates the nature of the document. Accepted values are the following:

  • original
  • Authentic electronic copy of paper document
  • Authentic electronic copy with format change
  • Authentic partial electronic copy
  • Authentic paper copy of electronic public administrative document
  • Authentic electronic copy
  • others
Must be informed when making the request (required) Must be informed when making the copy (required)
Unique identifier Identifier associated with the copy document Must be informed when making the request (optional) It is generated by the CÒPIA service
Unique identifier of the origin the identifier of the original document from which the copy was made Must be informed when making the request (required) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Origin document nature Specifies the nature of the source document to be copied. Only the following values are supported:

  • original
  • Authentic copy
  • copy
Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Departure registration number Output registration number associated with the source document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Check-out date Date of the exit registration associated with the source document. The date format must be dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Entry registration number Entry registration number associated with the source document Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
Check-in date Date of entry associated with the source document. The date format must be dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss Must be informed when making the request (optional) Must be reported when copying (optional)
In the case of generating authentic copies of a signed electronic original document, the service captures the following metadata of the electronic signature(s) of the original document:
Date of signature Date of original signature It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
Name and surname of the signatory of the original document Name and surname of the signatory of the original document It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
ID of the signatory of the original document ID of the signatory of the original document It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
Email of the signatory of the original document Email of the signatory of the original document It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
Organization to which the signatory of the original document belongs Organization to which the signatory of the original document belongs It is generated by the CÒPIA service It is generated by the CÒPIA service
CIF of the Organization to which the signatory of the original document belongs CIF of the Organization to which the signatory of the original document belongs It is generated by the CÒPIA service

It is generated by the CÒPIA service

This metadata is reported in the attached XML file or also in the PDF document of the authentic copy, either in its properties or visible in the pdf, as appropriate.