Responsible user

This functionality is only visible in the "Service Administrator" role.


The purpose of the templates is to configure certain parameters of the application to make it easier for the users who have to generate the authentic copies not to inform them.

When accessing the screen, the first thing that is displayed is a search engine that allows you to filter the templates according to the following search parameters: name of the template, body issuing the copy, medium of the original document, origin of the document, code verification assurance, document preparation status and signature mechanism

By default, the tool displays all created and paged templates 5 by 5.

Previous settings – create an organ

The first thing that must be done is to register the bodies of the entity that have the competence to issue authentic copies according to current regulations. To do so, just click on the "Organ consultation" button

On the next screen appears a list with the registered bodies, a search engine and also the option to create a new one.

To register an organ, you only need to inform the following field "Organ that issues the copy" and click the "Create" button

Inform the body that issues the copy and press create

Once the organ has been created, it appears in the list of organs and the user has the possibility to modify the name or to delete it.

Create a template

To register a template, just click on the button "Consult templates" and then on the button "Create template"

Other options

Once a template has been generated, it can be modified or deleted