
The "Administration service" role will be able to view the copies of the entire entity. On the other hand, users with the "generator" role can only consult their own.


When accessing the screen, the first thing displayed is a search engine that allows you to filter the archived copies based on the following search parameters: title of the copy, CSV, identifier of the copy, body or user that generated it , state of preparation, support of the original document, origin of the document and range of dates of generation of the copy:

CÒPIA Finder

example of copies created

By default, the tool displays all copies created and paged 15 by 15.

From this screen, users can perform the following actions:

  • Consultation and management of templates (only visible administrator role)

  • Consultation and management of bodies that can generate copies (only visible administrator role)

  • Export search results to csv:

And in the case of each archived copy:

  • Download the copy in PDF format
  • Download the copy metadata in XML format
  • Delete the copy