To use the CÒPIA* application of EACAT correctly, the steps to follow are as follows:

1. Have the appropriate role to use the service

In the CÒPIA application there are two types of non-exclusive roles:

  • Service administrator
  • Copy generator

The service administrator has the following features enabled:

  1. Management of the templates that has the purpose of configuring certain parameters of the application to facilitate the generation of the copies.
  2. Management of the bodies that can issue authentic copies.
  3. View all copies generated by your organization and, if applicable, delete them.

Instead, the copy-generating user can only:

  1. Generate authentic copies
  2. Consult the copies that he himself has generated and, if applicable, delete them.

The EACAT user manager will be responsible for searching for the CÒPIA service and selecting from the available roles to assign the desired roles. For more information, see How can I assign service permissions to a EACAT user?

2. Install the native application by CÒPIA

To install the native application for the CÒPIA on the EACAT and be able to use it, you can consult How to install the native application for the CÒPIA

3. Add the domain as a trusted domain

The domain must be added as a trusted domain in the browser and in the antivirus to avoid possible connection errors between the browser and the server.

To do this, you can consult How to add the copy domain in browsers?

4. Register the bodies that can issue authentic copies of your body

You will find this option in the Organ consultation functionality reserved for the "Service administrator" role.

Optionally, to facilitate the generation of the copies, the service administrator should create a template with the basic service configuration data.

*The application is compatible with all existing browsers, except Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7)