Preliminary considerations

The user must open the native application in order to establish the connection between the scanning device and the web application of the CÒPIA service ( more information )

Note: Given the complexity of configuring network scanners, we recommend using local scanners.

Step 1: Select a template or no template

To generate the copy, just click the "Create a copy" button

Then a pop-up appears that allows you to choose whether a template will be used to generate the copy (this option makes it easier for the user not to fill in most of the configuration fields because they are already informed) or without template (implies that the user will have to fill in all the fields)

pop-up to choose whether to generate the copy with template or not

Step 2: Complete or review the configuration and metadata fields:

Depending on what has been chosen (template or not), the user must fill in the mandatory (and optional, if applicable) fields that appear highlighted in red:

  • body that issues the copy
  • Original document support:
    • Paper: if you want to make an authentic copy of a paper document using a scanner
    • Electronic: if you want to make an authentic copy of an electronic document (in this case, only copies of documents in PDF format are allowed)
  • Title of the copy
  • Identifier of the original document

The fields to be filled in are grouped into three blocks:

  • Copy settings
  • Copy metadata
  • Metadata of the register: completely optional block and designed for those users who want to make a copy of a document presented at the entry and exit register of the entity. The tool allows you to add a stamp with the registration data to the copy or, if you don't want it, they will be included as metadata.

Step 3: Generation of the copy

Once all the fields have been filled in, just click on the "Generate" button.

Then a screen opens with the web component to perform the copy:

  • In case of generating a copy of a paper document click here
  • In case of generating a copy of an electronic document click here
  • If you want to generate a copy that includes the entry and exit stamp, click here

Learn more about metadata and configuration fields:

First name Description example
Body issuing the copy Standardized identifier of the body that is empowered to issue authentic copies Secretary or code DIR3
Support of the original document Indicates the nature or medium of the original document from which a copy will be made paper
Secure verification code on the copy The CSV is a unique reference given to each document, made up of a set of characters and generated electronically.
This reference makes it possible to identify the document, link it with its issuer and verify its authenticity and integrity through access to the electronic headquarters.
URL to verify copies via CSV URL, available at the entity's Electronic Headquarters, which allows you to check the authenticity and integrity of the authentic paper copies of electronic administrative documents issued by the entity.

Important: If you want the CSV to also appear in the URL, the URL must be reported as follows: url + {0}. Like the example:{0}

NOTE: If your ens doesn't have its own CSV verification page, you don't need to report this field or any that refer to the CSV. The Copy service does not have a verification page for secure verification codes.

If you want to include the CSV in the URL:{0}
If you do not want to include the CSV in the URL:
CSV generation mechanism Indicates the way in which the CSV will be generated. If automatic is selected, the service itself will generate the code following the following pattern: [INE code of the entity][DDMMYYYY][FACTOR_ALEATORI]. If manual is selected, the user must inform it at the time of generating the copy automatic
Reference to the order governing the CSV system Reference to the order, resolution or document that regulates the CSV generation system of the entity
Signature of the copy Indicates whether the authentic copy must be signed or not Yes
Signature mechanism The mechanism that will be used to sign the authentic copy is either the "Signador centralitzat of the AOC Consortium" that keeps the entity's electronic seal or "Local digital certificate" that allows the use of a digital certificate stored in a local cryptographic device of the 'user Signador centralitzat of the AOC Consortium
Visible signature on the copy Indicates whether the electronic signature of the authentic copy should be visible or not in the resulting document Yes
Title of the copy Title or name of the true copy Copy of the deed XXX
Subject of the copy Brief summary about the subject/subject of the copy
Identifier of the original document the identifier of the source document from which the copy will be made 010203
Author of the document Name or identifying data of the author of the source document Peter Apple
Origin of the document Indicates whether the content of the source document was created by the citizen or by an Administration citizen
Access regime Regime of access to the authentic copy. To choose from a list of values free access
Preparation status Indicates the nature of the copy. Values to choose from a list. It is important that the indicated value matches the support of the original document Authentic electronic copy of paper document
Metadata visible in the copy Indicates whether the minimum metadata must be stamped and visible on the authentic copy. If yes, the content of the original document will be scaled to 80% of its original area and the metadata will be stamped in the resulting margin. Yes
Type of document
Document type of the document to choose from a list Act
Copy expiration date
Date on which the validity of the authentic copy will expire. The date format must be dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss. 12/04/2025 13:48:29
Nature of the source document Indicates the nature of the source document from which the copy will be made. The values to choose are: original, authentic copy and copy original
Date of the original document
Date the original document was created. The date format must be dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss 12/04/2018 13:48:29

Define the language of the document. According to the e-EMGDE, this metadata must report two parameters:

  • language code (in accordance with ISO 639-1:2002 Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 1: Alpha-2 code).
  • country code (in accordance with ISO 3166-1:2020 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country code).

In both cases it will be an Alpha-2 code, that is, a two-letter code for the country and for the language.

es_ES, ca_ES, gl_ES, eu_ES (Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque)
Visible seal Allows you to visibly include a stamp with check-in/check-out data on the copy Yes
Departure registration number
Output registration number associated with the source document S/000016-2018
Check-out date Date of the exit registration associated with the source document. The date format must be dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss 12/04/2018 13:48:29
Entry registration number Entry registration number associated with the source document E/000016-2018
Check-in date
Date of entry associated with the source document. The date format must be dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss 11/04/2018 13:48:29